Ready to make your day that much easier? Give me a call, send a text, email.....or you can even drop us a letter. Texts to 360-633-9785 always will result in the fastest response!
Emails will be replied to in 24 hours or less. ODHM is mostly a one man show, but just like the Beatles...there are friends proving a little help!
In the interest of safety while in the field or on the road, sometimes the handheld device has to stay on the seat of the truck and out of my hand (especially if there are ladders, crawl spaces or angry pixie electron/H2O molecules involved} . Thus there might be a minor delay in returning your inquiry in some cases. I WILL RETURN YOUR CALL AS LONG AS YOU INFORM ME TO!
I will always get back to you no matter what! PERIOD!
Thanks and always looking forward to hearing from you!
On Duty Handyman
360-633-9785 feel free to text!
4691 Seabeck Holly Road NW #836
Seabeck, WA 98380